Interactive design final project: Creating a Single-Page Website for an Artist

 23/10/2023 - 10/12/2023 / Week 9 - Week 16

Wang Zilong - 0361141

Interactive Design / Bachelors of Design in Creative Media / Taylors Lakeside Campus

Final Project / Prototype Design 20% - Individual


week 14 

Doing the enough design research first and then using the tools like the sketches, I summarized the both, then begin the html process


Final project

Overall planning of the web page

1. Discuss the theme of the web page: xxx. In order to make it easier for people to understand xxxx, I thought of designing a special web page for it.

2. Position the image and content of the web page: The most important thing about a web page is to allow viewers to process it easily.

3. Determine the columns and sections:

(1) .First consider the length and width of the entire web page, as well as the ratio between length and width.

(2).The second step is to consider the location and settings of the navigation bar.

(3) .Frame setting of the text (interlaced horizontal and vertical factors)

(4) After browsing many beautiful travel web pages, and then combining your own ideas, you can first draw general columns and sections on scratch paper.

4. The overall style and creativity of the web page: The web page created should follow the niche style route, and the purpose must be to leave an impression on the viewer.

Preliminary planning and preparation for web page production

1. Collection of information: Use some material websites to download materials about homepages, or you can go to Baidu to download some pictures.

2. Tool software produced:
        The basic conditions for making a web page are:
Hardware: a computer (more than 64MB of memory, of course, the bigger the better);
HTML editing software: Commonly used ones include Frontpage, Hotdog, etc. This article focuses on Dreamweaver;
Image processing software: commonly used ones include Photoshop, flash, Fireworks, etc.;



After the basic structure of the web page is completed, the next step is to set up the homepage and other level pages. Images are in jpg and png format. Images in other formats may not be displayed by the browser. Then put each type of material into each type of folder. The next step is to type the code step by step to build the framework, fill in the text positioning, set the navigation size and spacing. When making the web page, we have to write it in order from the beginning, and start the next part after debugging each part. Watching what you have in mind being made bit by bit is really a sense of accomplishment. Although my web page technology is still far behind, I really learned a lot when looking back on this web page production.

Summary: After studying web page production, I learned that web page design and production is a huge project. Website Feedback and Evaluation Websites should pay attention to regular maintenance and updated content to keep the content fresh. Don't just put it on the server and leave it unchanged forever. Only by constantly supplementing and updating content can it attract visitors. When maintaining and updating, you can make full use of the template and library technology provided by Dreamweaver to improve work efficiency. A real website should not only realize the electronicization of traditional media and provide users with the content they need, but also do more things and complete more than Page browsing for higher level needs.


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