Application design (card sorting methods)

Wang Zilong 0361141

Application design 

Exercise:card sorting method



Card sorting is a method used in user experience (UX) and application design to organize information and understand how users categorize and prioritize content.It's a valuable method for gaining insight into users' mental models and preferences, which can help designers create more intuitive and user-friendly interfaces.

Group teamwork

After our group discussion, we mainly divided into five parts, which is personal, exchange, guide, ticket and experience. What we have to do is to put ourselves in the shoes of consumers, put their needs first, and experience and design from my perspective as a user.


Studying card sorting methods has been an enlightening journey into the intricacies of user experience design. Through this exploration, I've come to appreciate the profound impact that understanding user cognition and behavior can have on creating intuitive and effective interfaces. Card sorting offers a structured approach to unraveling the complexities of information organization, revealing how users perceive and categorize content.

Engaging with this method has underscored the importance of user-centered design principles in crafting applications that resonate with their intended audience. By observing how participants group and prioritize content, designers can glean valuable insights into users' mental models and preferences, informing more informed design decisions.

Moreover, the iterative nature of card sorting encourages a dynamic and collaborative design process, where feedback from users drives continuous refinement and improvement. Overall, studying card sorting methods has deepened my understanding of the symbiotic relationship between user needs and design outcomes, emphasizing the pivotal role of empathy and user-centricity in creating impactful digital experiences.


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