Application design project 1 ui/ux app review

Wang Zilong 0361141

Application design  

Week 1-Week 4

Project 1 mobile application proposal


Progress slide

Final presentation slide


Applied design learning allowed me to appreciate the charm and importance of design. By studying application design, I have a deep understanding of the core of user experience, so that I can design products that better meet user needs. In the process, I learned how to use various design tools and techniques, including user research, prototyping, interface design, etc., to create simple, easy-to-use and beautiful applications. At the same time, I also realized that design is not only a beautiful appearance, but also provides users with a convenient and pleasant experience.

In the process of applied design learning, I also deeply understood the importance of teamwork. A successful application design cannot be accomplished alone. It requires close cooperation with team members to solve problems together and continuously optimize the product. Through communication and cooperation with others, I not only learned more design skills, but also developed my communication and teamwork skills.

In general, applied design learning not only improved my design capabilities, but also cultivated my team awareness and communication skills, allowing me to understand the nature and value of design more comprehensively.


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